Derbyshire Police are reviewing allegations of electoral fraud

Derbyshire Police are reviewing allegations of electoral fraud

Image source, Robert Largan

Screenshot, Robert Largan stands as Conservative candidate for High Peak in Derbyshire

  • Author, Ione Wells and Will Jefford
  • Role, bbc news

Police are reviewing allegations of voter fraud they have received related to “concerns about marketing material.”

It comes after the Conservative candidate for High Peak in Derbyshire, Robert Largan, posted on social media on Saturday in red Labor colors saying “Labour for Largan”.

He also published a social media post, using Reform UK colours, with the slogan “Reform for Robert”.

The Conservative Party said: “The materials clearly bear fingerprints, as required by electoral law.”

Largan captioned the above post saying: “Many local Labor voters have told me they are voting for me because they want to keep me as their local MP.

“There have been so many that I am launching a new Labor for Largan club.”

Screenshot, The post appeared on Robert Largan’s X account on Saturday morning.

At the bottom of the red graphic, the ad says it is promoted by the Conservative Party.

The BBC understands that Robert Largan has not been contacted by Derbyshire Police, who have not confirmed whether his advert is subject to review.

‘Abundantly clear’ posts

A spokesman for Largan said he had done nothing wrong.

“As Mr Largan’s social media and website posts make very clear, a large number of traditional Labor voters have contacted him to say they plan to vote for him, even though he is a Conservative candidate.” , said.

“The same goes for reform supporters; this is due to Mr Largan’s strong compliance record at High Peak.

“Therefore, supporter clubs of traditional Labor and Reform voters have been set up, to allow people to tell Mr Largan that they support him.

“These are called Labor for Largan and Reform for Robert. These types of supporters are not a new phenomenon.”

A full list of candidates running in High Peak for the general election will be released on Friday.