Trump’s behavior after conviction could affect sentencing and other conclusions

Trump’s behavior after conviction could affect sentencing and other conclusions

The jury convicted Trump, and it is now up to New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchán to determine his punishment on July 11. Meanwhile, Trump is due to appear before the New York City Probation Department for an interview about his background, his mental health and the circumstances of his case that will be used to help compile a report. presentation. Merchan will consider that report and sentencing recommendations from prosecutors and defense attorneys, and possibly Trump’s behavior since the conviction.

Trump was convicted of Class E nonviolent felonies, the lowest level in New York, punishable by 16 months to four years in state prison. Legal experts said Trump, 77, was unlikely to be jailed, given that he had not previously been convicted of any crime. Other options include sentencing Trump to probation, which would mean he would need approval from a probation officer to travel out of state. Trump could also be fined or given probation tied to a requirement that he stay out of further legal trouble, legal experts said.