Sir Keir Starmer vows to reduce net migration under Labor

Sir Keir Starmer vows to reduce net migration under Labor

  • Author, Jacqueline Howard
  • Role, bbc news

Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to reduce levels of net migration to the UK if his party wins the general election.

The Labor leader said he would introduce new laws to train British workers to fill skills gaps in the labor market and strengthen anti-exploitation laws.

He did not put a time frame or target figure on his promise, but told the Sun on Sunday: “Mark my words, a future Labor government will reduce net migration.”

Announcing the new policy to the newspaper, Sir Keir declared: “If you trust me with the keys to Number 10, I will make you this promise: I will control our borders and make sure British businesses are helped to hire British first.”

The aim would be to make the country “less dependent on migration by training more British workers”, Sir Keir added.

He said that “the Conservatives have repeatedly failed to deliver on their promises to reduce net migration.”

Earlier this year, the government introduced new laws designed to reduce immigration numbers.

They included increasing the minimum wage requirement for some skilled work visas by almost 50%, as well as increasing the wage requirement for skilled workers to bring dependent family members with them.

When that policy was announced, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said that while net migration “should decline”, the Conservatives were “not introducing more substantial reforms linking immigration to training and fair pay requirements.” in the UK, meaning many sectors will continue to “We see increasing numbers of work visas due to skills shortages.”

Sir Keir has previously described net migration levels as “shockingly high” and this new commitment is likely to be seen as an attempt to appeal to traditional Conservative voters.

Under the proposed policy, employers who violate labor law, for example by paying less than the minimum wage, could be prohibited from hiring foreigners.

A Conservative Party spokesman said Labour’s new policy announced on Sunday was a “u-turn” on Sir Keir’s principles.

“This is the man who called all immigration laws racist and voted against stricter border controls 139 times,” the spokesperson said.

The SNP’s Alison Thewliss said: “Rather than introducing policies based on Scotland’s needs, Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are amplifying the far-right belief that migrants are to blame for all our problems, but migrants are not. . , it’s Westminster.”

“From our care sector and our NHS to our economy, the cruel immigration policies that both the Conservatives and Keir Starmer’s Labor Party have adopted directly harm Scotland,” he said.

A spokesman for the Liberal Democrats said: “It is clear that the Conservatives have failed on immigration and have broken every promise they have made.”