China’s defense chief warns that those seeking to separate Taiwan from China face “self-destruction” – Telemundo 52

China’s defense chief warns that those seeking to separate Taiwan from China face “self-destruction” – Telemundo 52

  • Dong reiterated China’s position that Taiwan is part of China and said Beijing is committed to peaceful reunification.
  • Throughout his speech and Q&A, Dong repeatedly blamed separatist forces for eroding the “One China” principle, which establishes Beijing’s view that it has sovereignty over Taiwan.
  • Dong also addressed other questions, including one referencing Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s comment that the killing of a Filipino citizen in the South China Sea would be “very close” to an act of war.

SINGAPORE – China’s Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun has vowed that anyone who seeks to separate Taiwan from China will face “self-destruction.”

Speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, the admiral called on the “Taiwan independence forces” to “abandon illusion and return to the right path of reunification.”

“Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will only end in self-destruction,” he said.

In response to questions, Dong reiterated China’s position that Taiwan is part of China and said Beijing is committed to peaceful reunification.

Taiwan is a democratically self-governing island and recently inaugurated a new president on May 20.

Throughout his speech and Q&A, Dong repeatedly blamed separatist forces for eroding the “One China” principle, which establishes Beijing’s view that it has sovereignty over Taiwan. The admiral said newly elected Taiwanese president Lai Ching-te made a “brazen” statement about his ambition for Taiwanese independence in his inauguration speech.

He also accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party of trying to change the island’s constitution to “erase Chinese identity,” preventing people-to-people exchanges between Taiwan and mainland China, as well as increasing its military capacity to push for independence.

For decades, Taiwan has purchased American military equipment, and recent purchases include advanced M1A2 Abrams tanks, modernized F-16 fighters, and long-range artillery systems.

‘External forces’

The Chinese Defense Minister also took aim at unnamed “external forces”, alleging that they support Taiwanese separatists.

“We know that some great power continues to undermine the ‘One China’ principle, distorting facts and even misinterpreting UN General Assembly resolutions,” Dong said.

Without identifying any specific country, Dong also alleged that the great power “violated its commitment to China when we established diplomatic relations.”

“They continue to test China’s red lines, such as official engagement and arms sales to Taiwan,” he said.

“This kind of behavior sends very wrong signals to Taiwan independence forces and makes them become very aggressive. I think it is clear what the purpose of the foreign power is: to try to contain China using Taiwan.”

The United States does not have a mutual defense treaty with Taiwan and is not obligated to defend the island. But the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, established after the United States switched diplomatic recognition to Beijing, states that the United States will “make available to Taiwan such defense articles and services” as are necessary to “enable Taiwan to maintain sufficient self-defense capabilities.”

Although Dong had already dedicated a portion of his speech to addressing China’s concerns about Taiwan, he continued to raise those issues in his first response during the question-and-answer session. When plenary chairman Bastian Giegerich of the International Institute for Strategic Studies reminded him that he must address delegates’ queries on other issues, Dong asked to end his response on Taiwan, describing it as “the core of our core interest.”

He added that “in the face of the strong People’s Liberation Army, their efforts will be futile and their efforts can only lead to an accelerated demise. (This) will only undermine the interests of the people of Taiwan. And that is the last thing we want to see in China.”

Tensions in the South China Sea

Dong also addressed other questions, including one referencing Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s comment that the killing of a Filipino citizen in the South China Sea would be “very close” to an act of war.

While the Defense Minister alleged that the Philippines illegally ran its landing ship aground on Second Thomas Shoal in 1999, he said Beijing and Manila have been discussing and working on the issue peacefully.

Dong noted that the two countries had reached several agreements recognized by the current and former Philippine administrations, such as allowing replenishments to the ship’s garrison. Manila deploys resupply missions to the sandbar for a small garrison of troops living aboard an old warship deliberately run aground in 1999 to protect Manila’s maritime claims.

“But recently, they have started not recognizing (these agreements) at all. This is a unilateral breach of their promise… I think this is blackmail and hijacking of rules. We are always talking about a strong international order, (but) I “I think this is not even morally correct,” he said.

In contrast, the Chinese defense chief characterized the actions taken by the Chinese Coast Guard as “very moderate in accordance with our law.”

“Our policy is consistent over the past decades. We are committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. But I also want to say that our tolerance for deliberate provocation will be limited.”

While delegates raised questions about other topics, such as the current conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, Dong focused most of his answers on Taiwan and the South China Sea.