Letters to the editor: Hush money trial, local storms, Phelan victory, Alito flags

Letters to the editor: Hush money trial, local storms, Phelan victory, Alito flags

Twain nailed it

Have you ever been so sure about something only to find out you were wrong? Maybe it was that promotion you thought you had but didn’t get, or the tax refund that ended up being a tax bill. We’ve all had those moments. We have all made mistakes in some things in our lives.

There are many people in this country who believe that the current legal rulings and accusations against Donald Trump are politically motivated. They are so sure that Trump is fighting the “swamp” and that he is fighting for them. They ignore any news that refutes his firm belief in the MAGA ideal. They believe the only way to correct America is to send Trump back to the White House.

For those people, I say this: What if you are wrong, like other times in your life when you were so sure but you were wrong? What if, instead of sending a gatekeeper to the presidency, they were actually giving the keys to our precious democracy to a lying, scheming criminal trying to become a dictator? What if he is using your sense of patriotism against you for his benefit?

Mark Twain supposedly said, “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that simply isn’t true!

Bill Hudman, Plano

It’s never your fault

How typical of Donald Trump. As soon as he’s found guilty, he has to grab a microphone and start blaming everyone else and swear it’s all a hoax. Just like when he blamed everyone else when he lost the election, or when he was caught with a house full of classified documents, or any other time he was caught committing a crime.

It’s time for me to grow up. He broke the law and got a very fair trial.

John Mooney, Greenville

Respect legal rights

For those gloating over Donald Trump’s verdict, be careful what you wish for. Today I heard several constitutional lawyers speak about the case, as well as a nationally known lawyer. Each details the inconsistencies and constitutional illegality of numerous aspects of the case.

The reality is that it doesn’t matter what your personal politics are, what you think about a defendant, or what you think you know about the case. If you or your loved ones end up in court, you will want to know that your legal rights are respected, no matter who the judge or the lawyers are. Maybe I’m naive, but it’s that simple.

Anne Davidoff, Plano

A privilege to serve veterans

Re: “Gratitude and awe for D-Day veterans: 80 years later, they head to Normandy to commemorate the World War II invasion,” by William A. Ryan, Friday Opinion.

As we approach June 6 and celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, thank you for remembering the living veterans who will make the trip to France. Having had the privilege of bringing World War II veterans to Washington, DC, it is an honor to recognize and remember them.

Major General Ryan gives us a wonderful column about these heroes and their stories, and as with many veterans, their story is not often told. And thanks to American Airlines for making the trip possible.

Ann Brookshire, Tyler

What makes a great city?

I am a native of Dallas. In my 70+ years living here, I have experienced weather events significantly worse than what we just had. I can’t remember a time when so many people were without power for so long. The lack of meaningful communication and action from Oncor (a company that reported net income of $864 million in 2023) has been infuriating.

Additionally, having few functioning traffic signals is life-threatening. Many of my friends and I are researching if and how we can buy home generators!

I’m tired of Mayor Eric Johnson’s cheerful emails about the great city we live in. Big cities focus on infrastructure, not just stadiums and business development.

Maria Bowles, Dallas

a little perspective

Compared to nature, we are as insignificant as fleas.

Bill Bock, Plano

Falling on deaf ears

Re: “Here’s why we need new energy sources: As recent storms show us, we can’t keep powering our state the same way,” Wednesday editorial.

Texas Republican leaders, like national Republican leaders, are all climate change deniers, so their opinion falls on deaf ears.

Robert Hunt, Dallas

Paxton ‘a disgrace’

I thought I was immune to being shocked, much less dumbfounded by any political news within the state of Texas, but Ken Paxton’s response to Dade Phelan’s re-election, against all the far-right money in Texas politics , made me gasp at Paxton’s audacity. .

Paxton brazenly threatened all the other politicians in the Texas House of Representatives that if they voted for Phelan for speaker, he would make sure they would not be re-elected. How can a public servant, especially the one responsible for our legal security, publicly threaten that if you don’t vote the way he wants, he will ensure that you feel his political wrath in the future?

Is it just me or have we really reached a point in politics in Texas where there isn’t a shred of civility or decorum? Paxton is a liability, a blatant bully and an embarrassment!

Michael Moore, Anna

Just an observation

While watching news coverage of the flag controversy surrounding Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and his tortured defense that it was all his wife’s doing, one commentator deadpanned: “Well, at least now we know who’s carrying it.” the flags at Casa Alito.”

I’m still chuckling and couldn’t resist sharing this with your readers.

Fred R. Neary, Far North Dallas

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