Could Mississippi’s Confederate statues in Washington DC be replaced?

Could Mississippi’s Confederate statues in Washington DC be replaced?

Could Mississippi’s Confederate statues in Washington DC be replaced?

Several Mississippi Republican lawmakers are now seeking to replace Confederate statues representing the state in Washington, D.C. just weeks after Arkansas installed a statue of a civil rights activist next to Mississippi’s Jefferson Davis.

During the 2024 session, several bills were introduced to replace or establish a commission to find replacements for Davis, U.S. senator and, most importantly, president of the Confederate States of America, and James Z. George, Confederate politician, military officer and homonym. of George County. However, those bills died without even being introduced in the House or Senate Rules Committees.

Meanwhile, the statues have been on display for about 100 years in the Statuary Hall of the United States Congress. Davis’ statue now stands next to that of Daisy Bates of Arkansas, a black civil rights leader involved in the integration of Little Rock’s Central High School, among many other efforts. The juxtaposition of the two is remarkable.